Kamis, 17 Desember 2015

"Have you ever been in love? Horrible isn't it?
It makes you so vulnerable. It opens your chest
and it opens up your heart and it means that
someone can get inside you and
mess you up

Jumat, 09 Oktober 2015

Sugesti kah?

masa suka tidak perlu diumbar,
ditulis apalagi kamu pamer-pamerkan
semakin sering kamu mengatakannya
jangan-jangan itu semakin hambar
jangan-jangan kita yang mengatakannya hanya untuk
bertanya pada diri sendiri, apa memang sesuka itu

Kamis, 08 Oktober 2015

True Love

cinta sejati
selalu menemukan jalan
ada saja kebetulan, nasib, takdir, atau apalah sebutannya
tapi sayangnya, orang-orang yang mengaku sedang dirundung cinta justru sebaliknya
selalu memaksakan jalan cerita, khawatir, cemas, serta berbagai perangai norak lainnya.
Jika berjodoh,tuhan sendiri yang akan memberikan jalan baiknya.
Termasuk "kebetulan-kebetulan yang menakjubkan"

Rabu, 07 Oktober 2015



Not a good reason for fall in love

Because, alot of people who still feel lonely despite having fall in love

Jumat, 26 Juni 2015

You are you and should be you

"Will you be my friend?" We want each of these questions have answers "Yes!" with all the heart. When other people like us and accept us, we feel precious.
Why we are so sensitive to their views upon us? We want ourselves to be accepted and approved. That really we want is, liked and accepted - as what its there.

Fear of rejection is at issue between the hide and reveal ourselves. Price to be "someone else" is the loss of true identity. Sometimes it covers the loss of self-respect and self-esteem - your own.
Feel uneasy when cover themselves for the sake of others is the preferred normal feeling.

You are you, and should you be yourself. You do not need to turn into a person who is not the actual yourself.
However there is one thing that was agreed by everyone: You may occasionally wearing coat of paint but below the surface there are yourself you love and respect you deeply. And basically you just want to be loved and respected by others as well.

Selasa, 12 Mei 2015

This is a trap! :)

"Love is a trap. When it appears, we only see the light, not dark side."

Cinta itu tidak mengenal aturan.
Sebagian orang mungkin mencoba mengendalikan perasaan dan mengatur perilaku mereka; yang lain mungkin membaca buku berisi saran-saran para "ahli" masalah hubungan - tapi semua ini tindakan bodoh. Hatilah yang memutuskan, dan apa yang diputuskannya, itu lah yang paling berarti. 
Kita semua pernah mengalami hal ini. Sambil menangis kita berkata, " Aku menderita oleh cinta yang sia-sia." Kita menderita karena kita merasa telah memberikan lebih dari apa yang kita terima. Kita menderita karena cinta kita bertepuk sebelah tangan. Kita menderita karena kita tidak dapat memaksakan aturan-aturan kita sendiri.

Namun pada akhirnya tak ada alasan untuk menderita, sebab dalam setiap cinta ada benih pertumbuhan diri. Cepat atau lambat, kita harus mengatasi ketakutan kita. Kita tidak mencintai demi melakukan kebaikan atau untuk menolong atau melindungi seseorang. Kalau sikap kita seperti ini, kita menjadikan orang lain sebagai objek, dan kita menganggap diri kita orang yang bijaksana dan murah hati. Ini tidak ada hubungannya dengan cinta. Mencintai adalah melebur dengan orang yang kita cintai dan menemukan percikan Tuhan didalamnya.

Selasa, 17 Februari 2015

She had the world

She held the world upon a string
But she didn't ever hold me
Spun the stars on her fingernails
But it never made her happy
Cause she couldn't ever have me
She said she'd won the world at a carnival
But she could never win me
Cause she couldn't ever catch me

I, I know why
Because when I look in her eyes
I just see the sky

I don’t love you I'm just passing the time
You could love me if I knew how to lie
But who could love me?
I am out of my mind
Throwing a line out to sea
To see if I can catch a dream

The sun was always in her eyes
She didn't even see me
But that girl had so much love
she'd wanna kiss you all the time
Yeah, she'd wanna kiss you all the time

She said she won the world at a carnival
But I'm sure I didn’t ruin her
Just made her more interesting
I'm sure I didn’t ruin her
Just made her more interesting

I, I know why
Because when I look in her eyes
I just see the sky
When I look in her eyes
Well I, I just see the sky

Kamis, 12 Februari 2015

Get Live! :)

Everyone are working hard to pursue their dreams.

"You've got nothing to lose because you can deal with almost everything!
Enjoy life, enjoy work, enjoy everything you do and whatever the result might bring you :)
and we are more capable than what we usually think"


Rabu, 14 Januari 2015

A Letter

Dear Rizka,
Sometimes it’s okay not to be okay. Sometimes it’s better not to know what you want to know. Sometimes it’s alright hiding from the thing you’re avoided. Sometimes just sometimes, they said. Sometimes takes a few times. It might be a second, a minute, a hour, a day, a week, a month, a year, even a decade.
Finding the truth is the best way, they said. But finding the real you is more important. You need to learn more about you and what is yours. You just need to stop complaining. Stop judging. Just take a seat and thinking. Without worrying, without hating anything. No, i don’t ask you to be over-thinking.  Just stop blaming, and try to accept every single thing that already exist. In your life, and in another life.


Suddenly I found this letter.
Thanks buddy, I will remember this as my reminder.
Love ya!

Minggu, 04 Januari 2015

2015 : No More Fear

Whats your resolution on 2015?

I will answer directly, ''No More Fear''

Kau memperoleh kekuatan, keberanian dan rasa percaya diri dari setiap pengalaman yang membuatmu berhenti sejenak untuk menghadapi rasa takutmu.
Kau dapat berkata pada dirimu sendiri, " Aku telah tabah menghadapi kengerian ini. Aku pasti mampu menghadapi hal berikutnya"

Ada banyak hal yang telah aku rencanakan di tahun ini, dan aku akan melakukannya dengan sungguh-sungguh.
Ada seseorang yang mengatakannya pada ku bahwa "Jangan hanya berusaha dengan lebih keras, tetapi juga berusaha dengan lebih pandai"
Aku juga ga akan banyak mengeluh, dan ga banyak menangis lagi.
Terimakasih atas segala semua pengalaman berharga di tahun 2014.
Terimakasih juga kepada orang-orang yang selalu mensupport, teman-teman dan semuanya.
Wish you have the greatest year on 2015!
ups I forgot, and Happy Holiday!!
