Selasa, 22 April 2014

Know yourself

Sometimes, its really difficult to know your self.
What is your personality? What do you want? Whats your goal? Whats your weakness? and so on.
Some people go into psychology to find the answers and some others seeking to ask his own self.
I already did psychology test twice and answer some question blablabla.
Here the result ....

but the best thing to know your self is ask your self what do you want to be, try to love your self, try to more understanding your self.

Nobody know more bout you, except your self <3

Minggu, 20 April 2014

Random Night

What a random night!!
Dont know where to go and you are alone? Dont worry cause there will always friends beside you
This is what we did on late night, go around Jakarta chillin together and share our story no matter its sad or happy story


banana split *yummy*

last, this is a salute from us hahaha
Laughing your random story with your best friend is one of the best feeling ever

Selasa, 15 April 2014

Every cloud has silver lining

lalala croooot!! ini adalah yel-yel yg selalu dinyanyikan anak-anak mesin pada saat pertandingan

mulai dari hari Senin, TC (teknik cup) udah dimulai, pertandingan pertama adalah panco putera kelas berat dengan kak Marco sebagai kontingennya dan mesin pun menang wihiiii....
Sebenernya di hari Senin itu, gue berencana untuk menyelesaikan semua persyaratan exchange program ke Berlin dan karena ada presentasi permesinan .... I have to cancel the Exchange Program :" Goodbye Berlin, well see you next year :( karena saking keselnya gue sampe sms papa sama mama, dan mereka pun menyakinkan gue untuk "focus on the most important things first, there must be the lessons in everything" 
Jujur aja emang lagi banyak hal di pikiran gue mulai dari persiapan atlit tarik tambang, persiapan artis teknik cup, tanding basket, sidang tmk, presentasi permesinan, exchange program, sampe masalah pribadi ini itu.Tapi gue selalu mecoba melakukan hal terbaik apapun itu.
Jam 3 sore udah ada janji untuk latian basket di laptek belakang sebelum hari selasa nya tanding basket lawan sipil hmmm hahaha 
Tim basket puteri mesin itu ibarat juru kunci di group, mereka hanya di anggap untuk sekedar bermain dan memenuhi quota. sedih sih emang dibilang kaya gini oleh beberapa orang dan tahun ini kami tim basket puteri berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk mencoba bangkit, kami ga mau dibilang hanya juru kunci, kami punya mimpi untuk menang tc, dan mimpi itu ga akan terwujud kalau kita hanya diam. Bismillah semua usaha dan kerja keras kita bisa terbayar amin O:)

Senin, 07 April 2014

Dear Mom and Dad

Cry cry cry and cry
This is the third time I cried in the school.
First I cried because I can't answer my chemistry exam
Second I cried because I can't answer my Thermodynamic exam
Third I cried because I have many tasks to revise
This is my second year in University but I always cry when I can't do anything bout school.
Is it my wrong? or if I was not smart enough to be here?
This question always in my mind, what should I do?
All I want just graduate with a good grades so that I can make Mom and Dad happy
Maybe this major not my passion, this is not my destiny but I can make it with my way
Nothing impossible, I do believe it. I just have to try try and keep trying.
Dream not always about passion, dream can be about how to make others people happy.

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.”