Sabtu, 20 Desember 2014

What Friend For?

Mereka bilang teman itu yang akan saling mengingatkan
Mereka bilang teman akan saling membantu
Mereka bilang teman akan saling memahami
Mereka bilang.... ya yg mereka bilang BULLSHIT!

Coba kalian bercermin baik-baik sekarang, apa yang kalian pikirkan sebelum memulai pertemanan.
Mereka hanya akan mengambil keuntungan darimu, lalu meninggalkan mu
Itulah yg saya pelajari dari mereka-mereka semua.
Mungkin diantara kalian ada yg berpikir, 'oh tidak saya berteman karna saya memang ingin menjadi temannya'
Thats good if you think so, thats mean you still a heart for others.

I'm a person who being ten times better if the person is being kind to me and also the otherwise.
If you do bad things to me, then I will get back ten times more against.
I'm a the person easy to forgive but not to forget

To my fella over there, thank you has taught me not to be too trusting of the people that even though you're very know each other well.
You have turned me into a real me.

your friend;

Jumat, 19 Desember 2014


Today, I really angry bout something

How someone could be unfair and acts like a gulp of his own, like an idiot.

Selasa, 11 November 2014


Loneliness is not feeling part of the world. You might be surrounded by loads of people but... you are [still] lonely.

The loneliest people are the KINDEST
The saddest people smile is the BRIGHTEST
The most damaged people are the WISEST
All because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do

Senin, 03 November 2014


Dia termenung dalam kesunyian itu
Bibirnya tertutup tak berkata
Wajahnya menunduk seakan dia sudah tak mampu untuk menatap ke depan
Terlalu banyak yang dia pendam sampai tak ayal dia seakan mati rasa
Hanya tangis yang tiba-tiba membuat kesunyian itu pecah
Ia menangis dan terus menjerit dalam hatinya
Tak ada yang dapat dia lakukan

Dimana orang-orang yang selama ini di dekatnya?
Apakah mereka buta? Apakah mereka tidak peka?
Atau anak ini sangat lihai menyembunyikannya
Ketika dia merasa sudah tak kuasa
Dia hanya bisa mengingat bagaimana orang-orang terdahulunya meremehkannya
Bahkan mereka dengan mudah melupakannya
Dengan ini lah dia kembali
Kembali untuk berdiri tegak
Merangkai mimpi-mimpi nya yang telah lama hancur
Ya dia adalah dia


Minggu, 12 Oktober 2014

Laut Indonesia

Almost a month, I spent the days on the sea, well its not bad at all :)

Watching the millions of stars under of the sea then when you woke up in the morning, you see the sunrise, in the evening you see the sunset.

When you are tired, just close your eyes and let the wind blow your face, try to listen the sound of water splashing.
Thats so calm and relax 
I've had joy of spending thousand of hours under the sea.

I wish I could take people along to see what I see and to know what I know.

the airplane on the blue sky

small ship on huge sea

the island alongside the sea

sunset <3
the view from deck

sea in the morning

Jumat, 03 Oktober 2014

UI goes to Sail Raja Ampat

Hello, lovely people! How have you all been doing?

I am very sorry for the situation of my empty and sad cold blog, I have been out of Jakarta for a while now and just got back to my school life. Couldn't find the time to blog all the other times but here I am now!
I would like to introduce my team in Sail Raja Ampat, do you know Sail Raja Ampat? well thats the event that I was joined for a month, discover many beauty places in Indonesia with 170 youths.
Thats totally cool! 

studying, arguing, joking, singing, dancing and did activies together such as great pleasure. yap we are FTUI delegation for Sail Raja Ampat

Happy Graduation for all Senior, Mesin 2010

cahyo - usman - ivan - fajri - kak nadya - agung -  nabila - rizka - adit - yessy - aryo - andara (minus aan)

Kamis, 29 Mei 2014

stop bullying

My life seems so sad today, to much people talk behind me.
I'm not a joke so stop laughing at me please. Believe it or not, some others truly do find joy in other pain, really its sick. Maybe I can hide it with smile like usually but in the fact its really hurt.
Now I dont trust anyone, I really wanna quit. I hate them so much.
I like to think, if you knew I was depressed, you would treat me better. But to be honest, you would probably take the piss out of me for it instead.
Can I just disappear?
Crying is the only one I know to ease the pain, but its driving me crazy.

To you who laughing at me, who talk behind me, who judges me
Dont you know the words that you say make bruishes that dont fad away.
Your words have powers, use them wisely.
and the last one I hope karma slaps you in the face before I do.

Selasa, 22 April 2014

Know yourself

Sometimes, its really difficult to know your self.
What is your personality? What do you want? Whats your goal? Whats your weakness? and so on.
Some people go into psychology to find the answers and some others seeking to ask his own self.
I already did psychology test twice and answer some question blablabla.
Here the result ....

but the best thing to know your self is ask your self what do you want to be, try to love your self, try to more understanding your self.

Nobody know more bout you, except your self <3

Minggu, 20 April 2014

Random Night

What a random night!!
Dont know where to go and you are alone? Dont worry cause there will always friends beside you
This is what we did on late night, go around Jakarta chillin together and share our story no matter its sad or happy story


banana split *yummy*

last, this is a salute from us hahaha
Laughing your random story with your best friend is one of the best feeling ever

Selasa, 15 April 2014

Every cloud has silver lining

lalala croooot!! ini adalah yel-yel yg selalu dinyanyikan anak-anak mesin pada saat pertandingan

mulai dari hari Senin, TC (teknik cup) udah dimulai, pertandingan pertama adalah panco putera kelas berat dengan kak Marco sebagai kontingennya dan mesin pun menang wihiiii....
Sebenernya di hari Senin itu, gue berencana untuk menyelesaikan semua persyaratan exchange program ke Berlin dan karena ada presentasi permesinan .... I have to cancel the Exchange Program :" Goodbye Berlin, well see you next year :( karena saking keselnya gue sampe sms papa sama mama, dan mereka pun menyakinkan gue untuk "focus on the most important things first, there must be the lessons in everything" 
Jujur aja emang lagi banyak hal di pikiran gue mulai dari persiapan atlit tarik tambang, persiapan artis teknik cup, tanding basket, sidang tmk, presentasi permesinan, exchange program, sampe masalah pribadi ini itu.Tapi gue selalu mecoba melakukan hal terbaik apapun itu.
Jam 3 sore udah ada janji untuk latian basket di laptek belakang sebelum hari selasa nya tanding basket lawan sipil hmmm hahaha 
Tim basket puteri mesin itu ibarat juru kunci di group, mereka hanya di anggap untuk sekedar bermain dan memenuhi quota. sedih sih emang dibilang kaya gini oleh beberapa orang dan tahun ini kami tim basket puteri berusaha sekuat tenaga untuk mencoba bangkit, kami ga mau dibilang hanya juru kunci, kami punya mimpi untuk menang tc, dan mimpi itu ga akan terwujud kalau kita hanya diam. Bismillah semua usaha dan kerja keras kita bisa terbayar amin O:)

Senin, 07 April 2014

Dear Mom and Dad

Cry cry cry and cry
This is the third time I cried in the school.
First I cried because I can't answer my chemistry exam
Second I cried because I can't answer my Thermodynamic exam
Third I cried because I have many tasks to revise
This is my second year in University but I always cry when I can't do anything bout school.
Is it my wrong? or if I was not smart enough to be here?
This question always in my mind, what should I do?
All I want just graduate with a good grades so that I can make Mom and Dad happy
Maybe this major not my passion, this is not my destiny but I can make it with my way
Nothing impossible, I do believe it. I just have to try try and keep trying.
Dream not always about passion, dream can be about how to make others people happy.

“All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.” 

Sabtu, 08 Maret 2014


I always have faith in my talent and for that reason.
I work day to day to follow my professional growth.
I know that I have all the tools to be succesful.
No matter long or short time maybe, it doesn't matter to me.

-remember, dreams DO come true only if you make them-

Selasa, 04 Maret 2014

Just another question

Question of life...

I just had a question, "dont you think you waste time love someone who doesn't love you back?"
yaps terimakasih untuk Amrina Roosyada yang sudah bertanya pertanyaan ini. she said, "Even though you know that some people say you're pretty out there"

I still couldn't find the answer, "why?" and whats going on with you ka? is it hard for you to let him go? dunno!
Inilah kerjaan kami ketika berada dikamar kosan, bercerita dan saling memberi pertanyaan yang terkadang bisa membuat kami gundah sendiri hahaha
Kalau kata nina sih "sebenernya ada loh ka diluar sana yang merhatiin lo, mungkin hanya lo aja yang ga tau dan kurang peka" sebenernya ga penting-penting banget sih mikir yang kaya begini.
Just let it flow and one day you will find your Prince ><
Beda kasus sama nina yang suka banget terjebak akan dimensi perbedaan hahaha
"Coba dia ga beda, kenapa sih bisa beda? Gue mau banget jadi sahabat dia" ini dia yang suka dia bilang kalau lagi uring-uringan sendiri.
Ini hanyalah beberapa contoh konflik antara dua manusia yang sedang beranjak dewasa #eaaa

Its the circle of life, and it moves us all through despair and hope, through faith and love

goodbye! *kiss*

Serba Serbi smt 4

yayaya sekarang udah semester 4 dan bulan pun sudah berganti, goodbye February and welcome March! <3

I dont know how to start this story, jadi di smt 4 ada kuliah TMK (Tugas Merancang Kapal) , honestly this is the hardest part of this term. Dapet tugas buat ngerancang kapal dengan segala macam syarat, teori dan perhitungan huft! tahukah kalian jenis kapal apa itu?? LIVESTOCK CARRIER!!! a.k.a kapal pengangkut ternak hahaha yaps kapal super besar dengan berat sebesar 15000 tons untuk mengangkut sapi, domba dan saudara-saudaranya. What a good job Ka!

Oh iya mau cerita tentang "adik-kaka asuh" , jadi gue dapet amanah buat jadi kakak asuh untuk mabim 2, ini adalah program yang dicanangkan oleh PSDM IMM FTUI. Adek asuh gue ini ada 4 orang, mereka adalah Sherly, Rizky Esa, Bongot, dan Rahmat Agung. Well this is the first time for me. Gue kasih nama "Kakak-Adik Kece" Mereka ini punya karakter yang berbeda-beda, jadi ini tugas gue sebagai kakak asuh buat menyatukan mereka hohoho. Sebagai kakak asuh yang baik gue mau mereka saling menjaga satu sama lain <33 ecie hahaha singkatnya aja Sherly ini adalah yang paling koplak, lucu gitu dan klo ngomong suka asbun (asal bunyi), lanjut Esa nah dia ini jago futsal, suka senyum-senyum gitu pas mentoring hmm "whats on your mind dude?", Bongot dia itu yang paling pendiem diantara semuanya, hobinya baca novel dan supel banget, terakhir Rahmat Agung a.k.a Lay sebenernya gue manggil dia Agung karena ga enak aja manggil doi "Lay" hahaha nah dia ini anak bekasi yang mukanya mirip kaya orang batak, asik diajak ngomong tp suka ga fokus gitu klo mentoring.
Katanya sih kakak asuh ini ga hanya sampe mabim 2 tapi sampe adik asuhnya lulus wow....

Pesen buat kalian adik-asuh terkasih, walaupun kalian beda jurusan dan beda kelas tapi kalian harus saling menjaga satu sama lain, karena dengan kaya gitu kalian akan saling mengerti satu sama lain, saling membantu sesama sodara (oh iya disini kita semua sodaraan hahaha). Kalau ada apa-apa kalian bisa curhat dan minta bantuan sama gue anytime, cause this is my job as your sister.
Hampir lupa satu lagi! kalau diminta respon kapan bisa mentoring balesnya cepet dungs, maklum orang sibuk nih wkwkwk


Senin, 03 Februari 2014

Overcome Obstacles

Don't be a coward, timid and weak
Never give up and dare to speak up
Don't hide from the daylight
Brave in life and remains so
Don't run away from trials, difficulties, and problems
Build self confidence while looking way for out

Don't just resigned if dropped
Stand up soon with your head up straight
Be wise, brave and fearless
And your life will feel brave, since birth till you die

Jakarta, 3th Feb 2014

Senin, 27 Januari 2014

Love Story

Nah, ceritanya nih baru nemu sesuatu yang bagus punya (?) hahaha
finally i found the story i was looking forr! Taddaaaa!!

A student asked a teacher, “What is love?
The teacher said, “In order to answer your question, go to the wheat field, choose the biggest wheat and come back. But the rule is this - you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick.”
The student went to the field and passed through first row. He saw one big wheat, but he wondered if there might a bigger one later.
Then, he saw another bigger one… But he thought there might be an even bigger one waiting for him.
Later, when he finished more than half of the wheat field, he started to realise that the wheat was no longer as big as the previous ones he saw. He now knew he has missed the biggest one and he regretted deeply
Hence , he ended up going back to the teacher with empty hands.
The teacher told him, “This is love… You keep looking for a better partner, but when later you realise it, you have already missed that person…”
“What is marriage then?” the student asked.
The teacher said, “In order to answer your question, go to the corn field and choose the biggest corn and come back. But the same rule applies - you can go through them only once and cannot turn back to pick.”
The student went to the corn field, and this time he was careful not to repeat the previous mistake. When he reached the middle of the field, he picked out one medium corn that he felt he was satisfied with, and went back to the teacher.
The teacher told him, “This time you managed to bring back a corn. You looked for one that is just nice, and you had faith and believed that this was the best one you could get. This is marriage.”

We waste time looking for the perfect lover, instead of creating the perfect love.

Selasa, 21 Januari 2014

its to late but Happy New Year!!!!

HEYHO 2014!!!

hey fellas :) this is my first post in 2014.
well hope you enjoy this... so today I will share my resolution on 2014. Maybe its to late so check them below out!

  • think positively
Why think positively? Positive mind attracts positive events.If you will make positive thinking your habitual way of seeing life, imagine how many great things you can attract into your life!
  • Get Healthy
Getting healthy doesn't mean losing weight. It can mean daily exercise such as jogging, riding bike or dancing. start with healthy food, so no more junkfood! sleep well and drink enough water.
  • Be a better person
Yap, being a better person is a MUST! first i want to love often. love everything that God give to me, no bad temper, more helping others it will also be building up some karma for when you need help.
  • Get Happier
Sing! Laugh! Be humorous! Do something that makes your heart happy and makes you feel like dancing.


Love ya xoxo